
My engineering capstone project titled : Automated Parking Management System.

Automated Parking Management System

We basically designed as the title says an Automated Parking Management System. The objective was to showcase by utilizing IoT devices with wireless sensing and reporting capabilities along with a central server/processor and intelligent decision making, an efficient system is possible.


We designed an intelligent and self sufficient parking management system using IoT technologies. Our System comprised of multiple components including IoT hardware to fullfill tasks such as:

  • Weight Sensors : Detected the presence of vehicles during the parking state. Crucial role played to accurately track a parking spot state.
  • Servo Motors : Controlled the gate based on the entrance state determined by the entrance sub system.
  • Led Modules : Helped to visually indicate the state of a specific parking spot. Ex. red = occupied, green = !occupied.
  • ESPCAM : Detected QR-Codes from User Web App to authenticate and authorize the User to enter the parking lot.
  • ESP32 : Served as the central Unit to bridge gaps between other sub systems including the Web App. It connected all the above mentioned components and it set the main logic for the system.

Design Breakdown

User AuthenticationESP-CAM detects for QR-Codes and decodes them. Updates RTDB after successful verification.Web App generates a unique QR-Code encoded with an encrypted code.
EntranceServo motor open/close the game gate depending on the RTDB state value.ESP32 listens for RTDB state change pushed after QR-Code verification. Sends command to Servo to update in real-time.
Parking SpotEach HDX711 with load cell is assigned a unique ID. When change is detected, sends signal to ESP32.ESP32 listens signal to then update the Database value corresponding to the parking spot and the user.
AnalyticsNAPatterns including user occurance, parking spot traffic are noted and stored as part of conducting analysis.


Here are some Design diagrams of parts of out system.

  • Higher level view of the parking lot prototype. Parking Lot Diagram

  • Higher level view of the parking lot entrance design. Parking Lot Diagram

  • Higher level block diagram of the software architecture of the system. Software Architecture Block Diagram

  • Authentication page for the web app. Login/Sign up page

  • QR-Code page for the web app. QR-Code Page Image


Capstone Poster


Alas, the exhibition day arrives and it was alot of fun. Here is an image of our exhibit: Exhibit Image